Pre- K
Child Ages

Full Time
Part Time

Full Time
Part Time

Full Time
Part Time

School Age
Full Time
Part Time
Welcome to our Center
The Texas Rising Star program is “a voluntary, quality-based child care rating system of child care providers participating in the Texas Workforce Commission’s subsidized child care program.” TRS Certification is available to Licensed Center and Licensed and Registered Child Care Home providers who meet the certification criteria. The TRS Provider certification system offers three levels of certification (Two-Star, Three-Star, and Four-Star) to encourage providers to attain progressively higher certification requirements leading to a Four-Star level. A Texas Rising Star (TRS) provider is a child care provider that has an agreement to serve Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)-subsidized children and that voluntarily meets requirements that exceed the State’s Minimum Child Care Licensing (CCL) Standards. Across Texas, parents and families enroll their children into child care programs, including center-based and home-based programs. Numerous research studies have shown that at-risk children who attend higher quality child care programs are more prepared for school entry than children who do not attend quality child care programs. Those providers that voluntarily achieve TRS provider certification, offering quality care that exceeds the State’s Minimum Child Care Licensing Standards for director and staff qualifications, caregiver-child interactions, age-appropriate curricula and activities, nutrition and indoor/outdoor activities, and parent involvement and education, are in a better position to contribute to the early development of children. As providers progress through the levels of TRS provider certification, they contribute progressively more to the development of the children they serve on a daily basis.
The Texas Rising Star program is “a voluntary, quality-based child care rating system of child care providers participating in the Texas Workforce Commission’s subsidized child care program.” TRS Certification is available to Licensed Center and Licensed and Registered Child Care Home providers who meet the certification criteria. The TRS Provider certification system offers three levels of certification (Two-Star, Three-Star, and Four-Star) to encourage providers to attain progressively higher certification requirements leading to a Four-Star level. A Texas Rising Star (TRS) provider is a child care provider that has an agreement to serve Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)-subsidized children and that voluntarily meets requirements that exceed the State’s Minimum Child Care Licensing (CCL) Standards. Across Texas, parents and families enroll their children into child care programs, including center-based and home-based programs. Numerous research studies have shown that at-risk children who attend higher quality child care programs are more prepared for school entry than children who do not attend quality child care programs. Those providers that voluntarily achieve TRS provider certification, offering quality care that exceeds the State’s Minimum Child Care Licensing Standards for director and staff qualifications, caregiver-child interactions, age-appropriate curricula and activities, nutrition and indoor/outdoor activities, and parent involvement and education, are in a better position to contribute to the early development of children. As providers progress through the levels of TRS provider certification, they contribute progressively more to the development of the children they serve on a daily basis.
Texas School Ready (TSR) is a comprehensive preschool
teacher training program that combines a research-based,
state-adopted curriculum with ongoing professional
development and progress monitoring tools to help children
be more prepared for kindergarten and beyond. Teachers from
child care centers, Head Start programs, and public-school pre-
kindergarten participate in TSR. Throughout the school year,
teachers enrolled in TSR are provided tools to help them learn
more about the specific instructional needs of the children in
their classrooms and how to support children using engaging
lessons and activities. Since 2003, TSR has positively impacted
nearly 500,000 children and 25,000 early childhood teachers in
Multiple research studies have confirmed that Texas School
Ready positively impacts teacher instructional practices in the
classroom, regardless of setting (public school pre-k, Head
Start, and private child care classrooms). Teachers
participating in TSR are more responsive to the individual
needs of the children in their classrooms. They show increases
in their use of language-building strategies, including the
quality of book reading, general conversations with children,
and the use of oral language instruction to build these skills.
Even greater gains have been found in emergent literacy
instructional practices. Teachers also show better responsive
teaching practices, organization of their centers, and the use
of lesson plans.
Texas School Ready is implemented across the state through
several delivery models that vary by support level intensity.
Agencies can participate in multiple levels of service at the
same time, depending on the individual needs of the teachers
and childcare providers they serve.
The Texas Rising Star program is “a voluntary, quality-based child care rating system of child care providers participating in the Texas Workforce Commission’s subsidized child care program.” TRS Certification is available to Licensed Center and Licensed and Registered Child Care Home providers who meet the certification criteria. The TRS Provider certification system offers three levels of certification (Two-Star, Three-Star, and Four-Star) to encourage providers to attain progressively higher certification requirements leading to a Four-Star level. A Texas Rising Star (TRS) provider is a child care provider that has an agreement to serve Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)-subsidized children and that voluntarily meets requirements that exceed the State’s Minimum Child Care Licensing (CCL) Standards. Across Texas, parents and families enroll their children into child care programs, including center-based and home-based programs. Numerous research studies have shown that at-risk children who attend higher quality child care programs are more prepared for school entry than children who do not attend quality child care programs. Those providers that voluntarily achieve TRS provider certification, offering quality care that exceeds the State’s Minimum Child Care Licensing Standards for director and staff qualifications, caregiver-child interactions, age-appropriate curricula and activities, nutrition and indoor/outdoor activities, and parent involvement and education, are in a better position to contribute to the early development of children. As providers progress through the levels of TRS provider certification, they contribute progressively more to the development of the children they serve on a daily basis.
Daily Schedule
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Drop Off, Hellos, breakfast, care routines (hand washing, teeth brushing, diapering and toileting).
9:00 am - 11:15 am
Circle time, play routines, story time, music and movement, arts and crafts, sensory play, indoor or outdoor playtime
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Care Routines and Lunch Time
12:00 pm - 2:45 pm
Nap Time
2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
Care Routines and Snack
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Play routines, story time, music and movement, arts and crafts, sensory play, indoor or outdoor playtime, care routines
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Combining and Good Byes.