Parent's Responsibilities
- Hours, days and months of operation
- Enrollment Procedures
- To enroll the child, we will require
- Child Care Fees
- Refunds
- Attendance and hours in care
The center will be open from January to December, Monday to Friday from
7:00 am to 6:00 pm. We will close the following holidays, which will not be
discount from the childcare fee.
We have a total of 12th variable holidays, the following are set days that the
center will be closed (unless these days land on a weekend)
- January 1st (New Year’s Day.
- Last Monday of May (Memorial Day).
- July 4th (Independence Day).
- 1st morning in September (Labor Day).
- Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday.
- December 25th (Christmas Day).
There is a $50.00 enrollment charge per family. This is a one-time
administrative fee. Upon paying the enrollment fee, you will be given an
Enrollment Form, a Child Care Agreement, and a copy of the Operational
- A copy of your child’s current immunization record needs to be given
to the center. - A doctor heath statement from your pediatrician needs to be given to
the center within 6 months after enrollment. - A complete enrolment form.
- The Health Department sets the requirement for TB Testing. The
Health Department is not requiring TB Testing at this time, but it could
be required in the future.
Child care tuitions and fees are set yearly Tuition fees are pay in advance
of care and it can be done monthly, biweekly and weekly by checks, money
orders, debit and credit cards are accepted as well. If you decide to pay in
cash, please drop the money at the director’s office in an envelope with
your child’s name in person.
- Monthly tuitions remain the same regardless the length of the month
and is base in the number of weeks of the year and is due the 1st of
every month. - Weekly tuitions are due on Friday, for the following week and are
consider late on Tuesday morning. $ 10 late fee will be assessed by
Wednesday and your child may not be left in care.
Refunds will be given to parents within 3 days after the last day of the child
been in care. If the child withdrawn at the middle of the week the fee will be
prorated at $30.00 per day.
Your child will be allowed a total of 45 hours a week you can used those
hours at your convenience from Monday to Friday. For example, your child
should arrive at the center 30 min before your schedule work time and pick
up within 30 min following the end of yo1ur shift this make a total of 45
hours per week
However, we try fit into everybody’s budget and we understand certain
complications that you may run into on occasions some extra hours will be
understandable and we will not charge any extra for it but if this is behavior
turn repetitive we will be obligated to do some arrangements.
Little Nest close at 6:00 pm, Please be sure to pick up your child before
closing time, because you will have to pay $ 10 dollars for the half hour
after 6:00 pm and $ 5 dollars every 5 minutes after 6:30 pm.
Open Door Policities
We welcome any questions or concerns about policies and procedures of the child care center. Parents are able to speak with the Director to review and discuss matters at any time.
Parents are allowed to visit the center at any time during our hours of operation to observe their child, the child care center’s operation, and program activities, without having to secure prior approval.
Anyone can volunteer to assist at the child care center activities, however you must complete an 8-hour pre-certification and criminal history check prior to being in a classroom. Please see the Director or Assistant Director for more details.
Reviewing Information. You are entitled to see the following information. You may ask the Director to show you the most recent copy of: Minimum standards for this licensed center, Department of Family Protective Services inspection / investigation report.